November 15, 2021

November 14, 2021 Our first mini-bioblitz at the Reserve

The day was windy, but we enjoyed exploring the reserve for the first time, seeing orchids in bloom and in bud, an echidna tucked in a tree hollow and many diggings all around, some likely Tasmanian Devil scat and burrows, Striated Pardalotes using nest hollows high up and doing mating display dances, and Yellow-rumbed Thornbills flitting about with Scarlet Robins. Flame Robins, skinks, dragonflies, and many wildflowers were also spotted.

We will be returning again in hopes of spotting some birds of prey and to look for honeyeaters.

Thank you to local landowners Bill and Gordon for facilitating access.

Posted on November 15, 2021 08:56 AM by angelamklhansen angelamklhansen | 0 comments | Leave a comment
