Noctuid moths - Engadin Switzerland - historic's Journal

Journal archives for May 2021

May 7, 2021

summary (1974-1978) - Noctuidae only - excluding traps

Here is a summary of only the Noctuidae observed manually in the Engadin valley and a few nearby places (Bregaglia, Poschiavo, Val Müstair, Vintschgau, Samnaun, Preda). For better use by another potential naturalist, I have excluded all observations obtained using moth traps.

To characterise my observations from that time, I put them into a spreadsheet. Mainly to calculate diversity and rarity indices. An example is given below, showing the inverse Simpson index, a measure for diversity, which also corresponds to "effective" number of species. Simpson index is the probability that two entities taken at random from the dataset of interest represent the same type. Details see .

This shows the Noctuidae values for each location. Location name in red means =Engadin valley proper, location name in black means =nearby. The value "effective species" = 1/(Simpson index).

This shows the most often observed Noctuidae species. "ind/eff" is the number of individuals divided by effective nights, a measure for intense biomass appearance, mostly seen with migrating species.

This shows the best nights in terms of Noctuidae species number.

Posted on May 7, 2021 01:26 PM by amzamz amzamz | 0 comments | Leave a comment
