

First Scavenger Hunt List

Here is the list from the original post for easy access.

If you have any further questions, you can contact the admin of this page “SAHCScav” Or, you can contact AmeriCorps member “Sarge” at Good luck and happy hunting!

Scavenger Hunt List:

  1. Something that lives under a rock
  2. Something found above 5,000ft in elevation
  3. Something that lives in a stream
  4. A salamander
  5. Something purple and green
  6. Something black and white
  7. A songbird (a bird with a musical song)
  8. A spring ephemeral (a wildflower that only grows in early spring before trees bloom(can also be a wildflower if not in early spring)
  9. An endemic species (Native to one particular area)
  10. Something that comes out at night
  11. A foliose lichen (a lichen that has a distinct upper and lower surface. Is ribbon like)
  12. A
  13. ...more ↓
Posted on March 30, 2021 06:28 PM by sahcscav sahcscav | 0 comments | Leave a comment
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Ever wondered about what plants or animals fill your yard? Populate your nearby favorite trail? Or what that vibrant mushroom you found is? Join SAHC’s ongoing scavenger hunt to learn about and discover with your friends, family, and your community all the wonderful creatures that inhabit our mountains. Interact with SAHC staff and other hunters to help identify plants and animals, learn new ...more ↓

sahcscav created this project on March 5, 2021
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