March 4, 2020

Take the Wild Coachella Challenge!

Hello Monument Scientists!

As you know, the deserts of California are a truly unique landscape, home to many plants and animals (and people!) found nowhere else on Earth, and there is no better time to see the amazing diversity of life here than during the spring wildflower season. This March, we're celebrating the biodiversity of our desert, sharing our love of the land with fellow naturalists, scientists, residents, and visitors, and helping new people discover the natural wonders just outside their doors by documenting as many species as possible in the Coachella Valley during the month of March!

The Wild Coachella Challenge is a "bioblitz" style event that will take place all month long throughout the Coachella Valley. To participate, just sign up on our website at, then go outside and start observing! At the end of the month we will award prizes to the top challenge participants - stay tuned for details.

Results will be tracked using the Wild Coachella Challenge project here: Follow the project (button on the top right of the project page), for project updates and upcoming events.

Thank you for all your iNat contributions so far - and all the ones I hope to see you make this month. I'll see you on the trail!

Colin Barrows
Friends of the Desert Mountains

Posted on March 4, 2020 12:53 AM by cwbarrows cwbarrows | 0 comments | Leave a comment
