

Website Update: You can now search by scientific name!

Quick update that we have improved the search functionality on the website ( It's obviously still not perfect, but a step up from what it was. There was a bug with organisms "being eaten by" not showing up that is now fixed. You can also now search by scientific names (though they don't show up in the search bar yet).

Any feedback, additional problems you're noticing, etc. is welcome!


Posted on June 5, 2024 09:07 PM by bradleyallf bradleyallf | 0 comments | Leave a comment
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The goal of Who Eats Whom is to create a searchable database of feeding observations on iNaturalist. To participate, first click the small blue link at the top righthand corner of the page.

Next, add your first observation. To do so, you'll need to upload TWO separate observations to iNaturalist: one observation of the "eater" and a second observation of the organism being eaten. ...more ↓

bradleyallf created this project on May 10, 2019
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