March 20, 2020

Observations added from March 3 - 10, 2020

Hi Chiara,
I have added photographs of Lion, Cheetah and Spotted Hyena observed in Zakouma National Park from March 3 - 10, 2020. A day by day tally of lions was compiled showing that we saw 34 lions during our visit.

March 3: 1 lioness
March 4: 1 male lion (no photo)
March 4: 2 lionesses
March 5: 0
March 6: 2 lionesses (@ the Roan kill)
March 6: 7 lionesses (Pride 1)
March 6: 2 lions (1 male & 1 female)
March 7: 1 lioness (radio collared + Pride 1)
March 7: 0 (1 lioness, same female w/male seen yesterday)
March 7: 3 (lioness w/2 3-month old cubs)
March 8: 1 male lion
March 8: 0 (same collared lioness seen yesterday)
March 8: 0 (Pride 1)
March 9: 1 lioness (collared)
March 9: 5 (Pride 2: 1 male, 1 female, 3 subadults)
March 9: 8 (Pride 3: 4 males & 4 females)
Mar. 10: 0 (1 male from Pride 2, seen yesterday)
Mar. 10: 0 (4, from Pride 2, seen yesterday)

34 individuals seen

In addition we saw 4 Cheetah. Photographs of all 4 individuals are included. Approximately 16 Spotted Hyena were observed. All but 3 were observed during the night. Three were seen around 2AM at Tinga Camp but were not photographed. Some individuals encountered during night drives were not seen/photographed.

Please let me know if you have any questions regarding an observation or if you need any more photos of a particular individual. We hope the study is going well and that you are not impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic.
Warm Regards,
Peggy and Marc

Posted on March 20, 2020 08:39 PM by pfaucher pfaucher | 1 comment | Leave a comment
