Taxonomic Swap 119684 (Committed on 2023-01-11)

Added by alberto_colatore on January 7, 2023 03:44 PM | Committed by alberto_colatore on January 11, 2023
replaced with


Please revert this change. the Stigmella salicis group is NOT identical to the species Stigmella salicis, but contains 26 named species and many more unnamed species.
See my catalogue and Cat of Life

Posted by erikvannieukerken over 1 year ago

@erikvannieukerken it seems this change is not to the species 'Stigmella salicis', but to the 'Stigmella salicis complex', i.e. changing it from a 'group' to a 'complex' (and is one of several such changes). Nevertheless, I cannot see why this change needs to be made as 'group' is a standard term used by taxonomists and a species complex usually refers to a small number of difficult-to-identify known species. Moreover, in iNaturalist the use of 'Genus species complex' can be very confusing as in some situations one only sees 'Genus species', as in the Stigmella salicis example here. Only once it has been clicked or selected does it appear as 'Genus species complex', It should have been left as 'Genus species group'.

Posted by swhitebread over 1 year ago

Hi Steve, it is even worse, as there is actually a Stigmella salicis complex that I am studying currently (in Europe, but I guess in NA the situation is comparable), and it is just a part of the Stigmella salicis group.

Posted by erikvannieukerken over 1 year ago

Yes, that is what I mean. A 'complex' is not used in the same way as a taxonomic 'group' and I am not surprised you have a Stigmella salicis complex among the Stigmella salicis group.

Posted by swhitebread over 1 year ago

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