Geoff Miller

Joined: Sep 8, 2019 Last Active: May 21, 2024 iNaturalist

I'm a naturalist, a photographer and a PhD student in the Ecology, Evolution & Behavior department at the University of Minnesota. I spend much of my time outdoors in the Twin Cities metro area doing my research on coyotes and foxes, which means I have the opportunity to have a lot of awesome encounters with wildlife! My dissertation research is geared toward the urban canid assemblage in the Twin Cities (, but I'm more broadly interested in changes in the canid communities across the globe and novel interactions between species that arise from range expansions (especially of coyotes). I don't always have my camera (or have time to post photos), but I try to take take pictures of my observations when I can. I'm mainly interested in carnivores (and sometimes lepidopterans), but I'll post anything I find interesting or anything that poses exceptionally well for a photo.

Also working as a curatorial assistant in the mammalogy collections at the Bell Museum, and I'm the curator of the Twin Cities Coyote and Fox Project ( When I'm not furiously writing my dissertation or getting sidetracked by side projects in my research, I enjoy reviewing global canid sightings on iNat.

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