Rosalind Helfand

Joined: Aug 6, 2015 Last Active: Jul 26, 2024 iNaturalist

I grew-up wandering the hills, chaparral, and arroyos of Simi Valley, California where I cultivated my love of nature and my awareness of the threats to nature. I earned a BA in Environmental Studies from UC Santa Cruz and have worked on many conservation projects and campaigns before and since. I also hold a Conservation Leadership masters from Cambridge University, where, with global environmental policy experts, I researched how to achieve transformative change for the future of biodiversity. Shortly before the pandemic, I returned from Jacaranda School in Malawi, where I lived and researched innovative strategies for local environmental leadership. I also co-organized the school's first bioblitz!

The founder of PAJE Consulting for social and environmental policy and projects, I lead a coalition of environmental nonprofits that are supporting the state of California's participation in global biodiversity policy -- specifically, the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity. I'm also the co-lead for developing a new online platform called the Global Green Recovery Collaborative. This platform will help people working on issues at the intersection of climate, biodiversity, and equity to combine and grow the effectiveness of their efforts. And, I'm directing the Omega Sci-Fi Awards, a short sci-fi writing competition designed to inspire imaginative solutions oriented thinking about today's issues, particularly environmental and gender equity issues. One of our special prizes is The Green Feather Award, an environmental sci-fi writing prize for LA County high school students. We partner with the Nature Nexus Institute to present this award.

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