2018 National Public Lands Day Bioblitz at Sequoia & Kings Canyon

@catchang @damontighe @robberfly @kueda @leef @finatic @silversea_starsong @flygrl67 @merav @euproserpinus @gyrrlfalcon @cals

This is a weekend long, park-wide, BioBlitz centered around National Public Lands Day. It will be a great opportunity to connect to these parks through community science. On Saturday September 22nd park entrance will be free as part of a nationwide celebration of our public lands and there will be an orientation at the Lodgepole Visitor Center at 10am that morning.
The event will be focused on the Giant Forest and Lodgepole area where we have a diversity of habitats with meadows, streams, montane forests and of course, sequoia groves, however any observations within parks' 865,964 acres over the weekend can be recorded.
As always a goal is outreach and connecting people to their public lands through science. We would also love to enrich our understanding of of under-cataloged taxa such as insects, arachnids, bryophytes and fungi, so folks with a passion for these or other organisms are warmly welcomed. And please share with any friends and colleagues that you might feel are interested.
There is an eventbrite sign-up to help track interest:
Updates and schedule info will be posted there as well.
There is also some camping available for the weekend. If interested contact me at:
Thank you all, Ranger Tim
Sequoia & Kings Canyon National Parks

Posted on September 8, 2018 11:12 PM by nicetim nicetim


Definitely interested but I will be out of the country during this time. Sorry about that. Hope this all goes well!

Posted by silversea_starsong almost 6 years ago

@damontighe Thanks for tagging me and letting me know! Unfortunately I can't make it as I'm in Kansas for school right now. Best of luck with the bioblitz!

Posted by rynaturalist almost 6 years ago

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