Invoking the Artificial Intelligence

The AI tool on iNaturalist (where you place the cursor in the ID box and iNat tells you what the species is) is really useful. Alas the AI is only trained on observatoins with 100 verifiable observations.

So, as of the latest update (Apr 2022), the following species can be identified by the AI.

Aulax cancellata, pallasia, umbellata
Brabejum stellatifolium
Diastella divaricata, proteoides, thymelaeoides
Faurea rochetiana, saligna
Grevillea robusta
Hakea drupacea, gibbosa, salicifolia, sericea
Leucadendron arcuatum, argenteum, conicum, coniferum, elimense, eucalyptifolium, galpinii, gandogeri, glaberrimum, lanigerum, laureolum, levisanus, linifolium, meridianum, microcephalum, modestum, muirii, nitidum, platyspermum, pubescens, rubrum, salicifolium, salignum, sessile, spissifolium, strobilinum, teretifolium, tinctum, uliginosum, xanthoconus
Leucospermum calligerum, conocarpodendron, cordifolium, cuneiforme, gracile, heterophyllum, hypophyllocarpodendron, lineare, oleifolium, patersonii, pedunculatum, praecox, prostratum, reflexum, truncatulum, wittebergense
Mimetes cucullatus, fimbriifolius, hirtus, pauciflorus
Orothamnus (none)
Paranomus abrotanifolius, bolusii, bracteolaris, dispersus
Protea acaulos, amplexicaulis, aspera, aurea, burchellii, caffra, compacta, cordata, coronata, cynaroides, eximia, glabra, grandiceps, laevis, lanceolata, laurifolia, lepidocarpodendron, longifolia, lorifolia, magnifica, montana, mundii, neriifolia, nitida, obtusifolia, punctata, repens, roupelliae, scabra, scolopendriifolia, scolymocephala, scorzonerifolia, speciosa, subvestita, susannae, welwitschii
Serruria aemula, aitonii, ascendens, elongata, fasciflora, foeniculacea, glomerata, hirsuta, kraussii, pedunculata, phylicoides, rubricaulis, trilopha , villosa
Sorocephalus (none)
Spatalla curvifolia, racemosa
Vexatorella (none)

Note the three genera that have no species that qualify!
Note the AI does not do hybrids (which is a pity: one really needs help with some of the Protea cultivars), so Leucadendron laureolum × salignum which does qualify for inclusion, is not in the training.
Unfortunately, the AI does not do subspecies, so although we have good data for many of these, they are not included.

The following are "low-hanging" fruit, and it would be nice if we could include them in the next round of AI training next year. If you have easy access to these species or can organize field trips to them, then please prioritize them. They have 80-99 observations so we need on average 10 observations of them.

Diastella fraterna
Leucadendron album 98, corymbosum, dregei 88, laxum
Leucospermum bolusii, gueinzii 86, parile, rodolentum 96, truncatum
Mimetes argenteus 94, chrysanthus 99
Paranomus dregei
Protea nana, simplex 96, subulifolia, witzenbergiana 97
Serruria acrocarpa, brownii, decipiens, 'ludwigii'
Spatalla confusa

(April 2022: Updated 1 October 2022 - with numbers for those below 100)

These will need a far more concerted effort, but with more than 50 observations we should visit them more frequently! Please plan visits to see these: they are quite worth the visit.
But 50 more observations (double what we have) will be a tall task over the year, but some of them are quite doable if we visit areas in which they are common. If you are looking for exotic destinations, then why not explore these species?

Leucadendron brunioides, daphnoides, dubium, floridum, loranthifolium, macowanii 97, procerum, stellare, thymifolium, verticillatum
Leucospermum glabrum, grandiflorum, pluridens, tottum,.vestitum
Paranomus sceptrum-gustavianus
Protea acuminata, canaliculata, cryophila, effusa, gaguedi, lacticolor, lorea , piscina, recondita, rupicola, tenax, venusta
Serruria cyanoides, cygnea, florida 87, fucifolia, gremialis 91, inconspicua 89, nervosa
Sorocephalus lanatus
Spatalla mollis, parilis, setacea

(April 2022: Updated 1 October 2022 - strikeout those with over 100, and numbers for those approaching 100)

These species have 25-49 observations. Please look out for them, and if you are able to make trips into their ranges, please especially look out for them. Many are Red List species (or upcoming invasive aliens), so please make notes on threats and numbers seen:

Banksia ericifolia, integrifolia
Faurea macnaughtonii
Grevillea banksii
Leucadendron barkerae, chamelaea, cinereum, concavum, diemontianum, discolor, ericifolium, loeriense, meyerianum, nervosum, nobile, pondoense, pubibracteolatum, stelligerum
Leucospermum catherinae, , erubescens,, gerrardii, muirii, mundii, praemorsum, royenifolium, tomentosum
Mimetes capitulatus, hottentoticus, saxatilis, splendidus, stokoei
Orothamnus zeyheri
Paranomus lagopus, longicaulis, reflexus, roodebergensis, spicatus, tomentosus
Protea angustata, caespitosa, decurrens, denticulata, dracomontana, foliosa, humiflora, odorata, parvula, pudens, scabriuscula, stokoei, sulphurea, vogtsiae
Serruria bolusii, candicans, collina, decumbens, effusa, flagellifolia, furcellata, heterophylla, linearis, rosea, rostellaris, triternata
Spatalla barbigera, ericoides, incurva, squamata
Stenocarpus sinuatus
Telopea speciosissima
Vexatorella obtusata

All those that have only been recorded 6-25 times are worthy of extra notes and special visits. Why not spice up your next trip by trying to record these species:

Diastella buekii, myrtifolia, parilis
Faurea galpinii
Grevillea rosmarinifolia
Leucadendron burchellii, comosum, cordatum, coriaceum, crassulifolium, flexuosum, foedum, globosum, immoderatum, olens, orientale, radiatum, remotum, roodii, rourkei, sericeum, sheilae, singulare, sorocephalodes
Leucospermum cordatum, formosum, fulgens, harpagonatum, innovans, saxosum, spathulatum, utriculosum, winteri
Macadamia integrifolia
Mimetes arboreus, palustris
Paranomus adiantifolius, capitatus, centaureoides, esterhuyseniae, nova, spathulatus
Protea aristata, comptonii, convexa, holosericea, inopina, intonsa, laetans, mucronifolia, pendula, pityphylla, pruinosa, restionifolia, revoluta, rubropilosa
Serruria altiscapa, balanocephala, confragosa, deluvialis, dodii, flava, gracilis, incrassata, lacunosa, leipoldtii, meisneriana, millefolia, 'ontongskopense' , 'piketbergensis', pinnata, rebeloi, reflexa, scoparia, stellata, williamsii
Sorocephalus claviger, imbricatus, pinifolius
Spatalla caudata,longifolia, nubicola, propinqua
Vexatorella alpina, amoena

And lastly. The Super Rares. Please make a very special effort to try and visit these species over the coming year. These have all only been recorded 5 or fewer times.

Faurea recondita
Leucadendron bonum, cadens, cryptocephalum, gydoense, osbornei, tradouwense
Leucospermum arenarium, hamatum, profugum, saxatile, secundifolium
Paranomus candicans
Protea angolensis, curvata, humifusa, inyanganiensis, namaquana, nubigena
Serruria roxburghii, viridifolia, zeyheri
Sorocephalus alopecurus, capitatus, scabridus,,tenuifolius, teretifolius
Spatalla argentea, colorata, prolifera, tulbaghensis
Vexatorella latebrosa

And at only 1 observation:

Leucadendron grandiflorum Wynberg Conebush [extinct - illustration type]
Leucadendron spirale Wolseley Conebush[extinct - illustration of type]
Protea asymmetrica Inyanga Sugarbush
Protea enervis Chimanimani Sugarbush
Protea flavopilosa Morro Sugarbush
Spatalla salsoloides Kinky Spoon
Spatalla thyrsiflora Swanneck Spoon

Not yet recorded:
Sorocephalus crassifolius Flowerless Powderpuff
Sorocephalus palustris Mat Powerpuff
Sorocephalus scabridus × Spatalla caudata (intergeneric hybrid!)

Faurea rubriflora Manica Beechwood
Protea argyrea Shaba Sugarbush
Protea dekindtiana Bimbe Sugarbush
Protea kibarensis Kibara Sugarbush
Protea matonchiana Matonchi Sugarbush
Protea ongotium Ongote Sugarbush
Protea praticola Mbogo Sugarbush
Protea rubrobracteata Redbract Sugarbush

Any comments or queries?

Posted on April 15, 2022 12:42 PM by tonyrebelo tonyrebelo


Posted by tonyrebelo about 2 years ago

Update: thanks to the City Nature Challenge the following species will be included in the next AI training. Thanks everyone involved.

Diastella fraterna (thanks Overstrand)
Leucadendron laxum (thanks Overberg)
Leucospermum bolusii, truncatum (thanks Cape Town, Overberg)
Mimetes chrysanthus (largely planted! - not sure if they count: only 66 wild)
Protea subulifolia (thanks Overberg)
Serruria brownii (thanks Cape Town) , 'ludwigii'

The following are still low hanging fruit:

Leucadendron album 83 corymbosum 97, dregei 86
Leucospermum gueinzii 82, parile 97, rodolentum 82
Mimetes argenteus 87,
Paranomus dregei 98
Protea nana 86, simplex 91, witzenbergiana 90
Serruria acrocarpa 90, decipiens 95
Spatalla confusa 99

We can target them for the Great Southern Bioblitz.

Posted by tonyrebelo about 2 years ago

Updated. Please include these in your Great Southern Bioblitz targets. Let us see how many more we can get to 100 observations!

Posted by tonyrebelo over 1 year ago

How do you create this kind of lists, I guess all of them have to be made manual?

Posted by optilete 6 months ago

Yes, but the species tab summarizes the numbers of observations per species, and excel does the ordering, so it is not entirely manual.

I have not bothered scraping the species pages to get numbers or the AI status. But that could be an option.
Will do an update with the next AI tranche.

Posted by tonyrebelo 6 months ago

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