January 31, 2020

Camera trapping small mammals - part 1

We've just reached 25.000 verifiable camera trap observations added to the project! Special mention to @mononymous and @alvaroalvaradomontealto for each adding over a 1000 observations to the project from Australia and Costa Rica respectively.
I'm going to do two journal posts on camera trapping small mammals, a really cool way to use your trail cam differently than usual.

Camera Trapping Small Mammals

In many areas, the larger mammal fauna is relatively well known but often very little is known about the exact distribution of mice, voles and shrews. Targeting these with your camera traps will provide valuable new data on the distribution of these often little known animals.
Live trapping with actual traps is very intensive (you need to make sure you don’t leave the traps out for more than a few hours before checking them, or any shrews you catch may starve to death.) In addition, it is very stressful for the animals and in many parts of the world illegal if you don’t have a permit. All in all, live trapping should really only be done for scientific purposes, by someone who knows what they’re doing.
Camera trapping however is a great (relatively) low-effort, non-invasive way of finding small mammals.

The first problem you encounter when you want to use your camera traps on small animals is that most of them can't focus on objects that are very close. There's an easy, cheap way to fix this though: a reading glass lens. You buy a pair of cheap 3+ or 4+ reading glasses, take one of the lenses out and tape it over the camera trap's lens. Mine can focus on animals just 20 cms (8 inches) away using this method (normally 1.5 meters, 5 feet).

Another problem you might encounter is that the infrared light of your camera is too bright at this close a range and all you get is white images. This can be solved by putting duct-tape over some or most of the infrared lights. You can also choose the video option, which usually has less bright infrared.

Now all you need to do is find the right location to place your camera trap. It needs to be on the ground if you want to get the best shots. You get the best results I've found when placing the camera under foliage. Small mammals are afraid of attacks from the air, so they want to feel sheltered. It can sometimes be tricky to find a place that has cover but is still open enough beneath it for the camera to have a clear view. It is usually necessary to remove some leaves, twigs and small plants in front of it. Baiting with food will bring more animals in and will make them stay longer. I usually use a mix of seeds to attract most rodents and the mini suet pellets with fruit/mealworms (https://www.birdfood.co.uk/mini-suet-pellets-with-mealworms-500g) to attract insectivores.

Using this method you can get great shots of small mammals (or small birds of course!), often even identifiable ones. Here are three small mammals that showed up in half a day under some foliage in Estonia:

Striped Field Mouse
Striped Field Mouse
Bank Vole
Bank Vole
Common Shrew
Common Shrew
The only major problem left is that placing the camera on the ground makes it prone to falling over and more importantly, prone to water damage if the ground gets very wet.
On the next journal post I'll be describing how to make a small mammal box that will keep your camera safe and dry. It makes the mammals feel safer too, so they show some more interesting behavior, which we'll also take a look at.
Small Mammal Box

Posted on January 31, 2020 08:48 AM by stanvrem stanvrem | 5 comments | Leave a comment

June 11, 2018

10.000 observations!

Good day all,

We've added 10.000 verifiable Camera Trap observations from around the world to this project!
I've really enjoyed going through all of these and seeing what people worldwide are capturing on their cameras. A big thank you to everybody who uploaded their own or others' observations!
If anybody wants to become a curator just let me know. You'll be able to more easily find suitable observations to add and help with identifying observations already in the project.

I've spent a lot of time digging through this site thinking of every keyword I could think of that people would add to camera trap observations and putting them through google translate so I could also find observations from non-English speakers. Most people don't add any description or keywords to their observations though, which can make camera trap images hard to find. One method I've found effective for finding these is just searching for species that you only really find by camera trapping (jaguars for example). The users who upload camera trap pictures of these creatures usually have a lot of other images as well that I can then add to the project. But there's still a loooot more camera trap images out there on the site, including some by users that have uploaded literally thousands:
So if anyone is bored on a rainy day and feels like adding some to the project, you're very welcome to do so. ;)

Now let's look at some interesting stats:
Of the 727 species that were observed 365 were mammals, 318 were birds, 32 were reptiles or amphibians and 12 were something else, including 1 plant: an apple. (https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/4071614)

North America is by far the biggest contributor with 7193 observations of 345 species. (of which 141 mammals, & 179 birds. The Coyote was the most seen species with 750 observations.)
Africa has 1249 observations of 198 species. (128 mammal & 63 bird species. Lion most observed species.)
Europe has 566 observations of 66 species. (37 mammals, 27 birds. Red Fox)
South America has 434 observations of 75 species. (53 mammals, 19 birds. Spotted Paca)
Australasia has 228 observations of 80 species. (35 mammals, 37 birds. Common Brushtail Possum)
Asia has only 107 observations of 38 species. (35 mammals, 2 (!) birds. Wild Boar)

And now a random selection of observations that I thought were really cool:

And finally this most mysterious of camera trap captures:

Thanks all!

Posted on June 11, 2018 05:39 PM by stanvrem stanvrem | 8 comments | Leave a comment
