Uploading Echo Meter Touch recordings to iNaturalist

Hi everyone!

Joe MDO (@joemdo) created this very thorough and nice video tutorial how to transfer recordings made with the Echo Meter Touch from a mobile device to a computer for further analysis and improved spectrograms that can be subsequently shared as observations on iNaturalist: https://youtu.be/1AgxZh_mfOc

Check out Joe's bat observations at www.inaturalist.org/projects/global-bat-watch/contributors/joemdo

Cheers, Jakob

Posted on April 4, 2020 10:28 AM by jakob jakob


Hi Jakob, thanks for mentioning my video. I also made a project to collect spectrogram observations and have spent some time over the past few months looking through all of the bat observations on iNaturalist, adding all of the spectrogram observations to it. Some users do not allow observations to be added by other users so I wasn't able to add those, though. It's at almost 1,500 observations as it stands with spectrograms for 118 species (many are unconfirmed identifications though). The total verifiable bat observations as of today, June 30th is around 33,500 observations.

Here is a link to the project in case anyone wants to join:

Posted by joemdo about 4 years ago

Many thanks for your reply, @joemdo, I hope our projects will continue to support each other! Since both are traditional projects, it will help a lot if observers themselves add their observations to the respective projects rather than us adding them.

Posted by jakob about 4 years ago

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