Wildlife of Glasgow's Journal

Journal archives for April 2019

April 17, 2019

Most northerly Parakeet flock observed in Glasgow!

According to BBC News, a flock of Ring-necked Parakeets have recently made their home in Glasgow's Victoria Park:

'Most northerly' parakeets cause flap in Glasgow park

Ring-necked Parakeets (or Rose-ringed Parakeets) are famously resilient birds, with established populations in many Northern European cities. According to Wikipedia the subspecies that usually forms feral populations is P. k. manillensis, the Indian rose-ringed parakeet. This animal can withstand the colder winters of Northern Europe as it has adapted to live in the Himalayan foothills, and in recent years has flourished.

According to the BBC article, the response seems mixed, with locals enjoying the new visitors but conservationists at Scottish National Heritage concerned at the detremental effect they could have on local species. As such, there is discussions about them being rehomed.

What do you guys think? This post on the Glasgow University Post Graduate Research blog also mentions a population on the Vetinary campus at Garscube. Have any of you spotted them in the wild?

Posted on April 17, 2019 11:58 AM by jonathancampbell jonathancampbell | 0 comments | Leave a comment

April 24, 2019

Using 'Wildlife of Glasgow' as a 'To Spot' List

I recently stumbled upon this post on the iNaturalist forum which showed how you can add a tag into the URL of an iNaturalist page to show only the taxa you haven't seen. This means any page can act like a 'To Spot' list, and show you the creatures you have left to observe!

Below is the URL for the 'Wildife of Glasgow' project (just replace 'jonathancampbell' with your own userid), but if you want to view only unobserved taxa on any other page then add the tag &unobserved_by_user_id=yourusername. You can also ensure only species are shown by adding the tags &view=species&hrank=species&lrank=species. Happy spotting!


Posted on April 24, 2019 11:22 AM by jonathancampbell jonathancampbell | 0 comments | Leave a comment
